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Specialized Treatment For Nurses

Drug Rehab for Nurses

When you enter a medical facility and encounter a nurse, it may be hard to imagine the hardships that they may be struggling with on a daily basis. Those in the nursing profession often work long hours, rotating shifts, and overtime. This can lead to exhaustion and stress, and in this profession there can be little time to decompress. When left unresolved, it can lead to poor ways of coping and as a result, many nurses turn drugs and alcohol to self-medicate. 

An additional factor is a nurse’s ease of access to highly addictive medications. This can impact the professional’s ability to achieve and maintain sobriety, especially without the right treatment program. 

Parkdale Center can help. At our drug rehab for nurses, we recognize the importance of harmonizing your career, personal life, and sobriety. Our tailored treatment programs are designed to meet the unique requirements of your profession. We are dedicated to collaborating with a range of regulatory, legislative, investigative, monitoring, and treatment entities to guarantee that our Aftercare program goes above and beyond expectations.

We Are here for you

Our Drug Rehab for Nurses

Our drug rehab for nurses adamantly promote public safety while complying with all treatment recommendations from involved parties and the local, state, and federal authorities. This is why you see the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) standards accreditation seal of approval on our website. We take these standards very seriously.

  • The American Nurses Association estimates 1 in 10 nurses today abuse drugs or alcohol.
  • Although women represent 97% of the profession, male nurses use drugs at higher rates.
  • Female nurses are more likely to abuse prescription drugs, such as hydrocodone than their male counterparts.

(SOURCE: Based on the data from the American Nurses Association (ANA))

Help for Professionals

Who We Help

Parkdale focuses on treating professionals across the United States in highly accountable industries who struggle with addiction. Parkdale utilizes innovative programs and solutions that meet those struggling with substance use disorder. Privacy and anonymity are of the utmost importance to the team at Parkdale.

Don't Wait Any Longer

Freedom from addiction begins today. Make the call that can change your life.

What We Do

Addiction Treatment Modalities

Withdrawal Management

We offer medically supervised withdrawal management to help you take the first step towards freedom.

Partial Hospitalization

Our partial hospitalization program offers you the benefits of inpatient treatment without the restrictions.

Intensive Outpatient

The intensive outpatient program at Parkdale Center was designed specifically for working professionals.
Addressing Mental Health and Addiction Concerns for High-Stress Professionals

How The Process Works

Finding a healthy work-life balance can be particularly challenging for individuals in high-stress careers, making them more susceptible to mental health and addiction issues. At our drug rehab for nurses, we specialize in providing targeted mental health and addiction treatment designed specifically for professionals working in demanding careers and industries. Our comprehensive program is geared towards helping clients effectively manage stress and identify potential triggers that may impact their work negatively. Our goal is to empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Learn more about our drug rehab for professionals.

We recognize that every individual’s journey is unique, especially when it comes to mental health and addiction treatment. Our program is thoughtfully tailored to cater to the diverse needs of working professionals who may be vulnerable to substance abuse or mental health struggles. With a complete assessment, we gain valuable insights into your specific challenges and develop an ideal care plan with the help of our experienced clinical team. Parkdale Center is just a phone call away, and our admissions team is available to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the treatment process.

For a Comitment-Free Phone Assessment, call 219-400-3545 today.

Our Partial Hospitalization Program offers intensive and comprehensive services to individuals grappling with substance abuse or addiction issues. Tailored for those who require more support than traditional outpatient treatment but don’t need 24-hour medical supervision, PHP provides therapy sessions several times a week. Participants benefit from individual counseling and group therapy sessions, specially designed to address their unique needs and challenges related to addiction.

Learn more about Parkdale’s Residential/ Partial Hospitalization Program.

The Intensive Outpatient Program at Parkdale Center bridges the gap between traditional outpatient treatment and residential/inpatient care. This structured and supportive program offers a more intensive form of therapy and support for individuals dealing with substance abuse or addiction issues. Our experienced staff guides participants through coping skills development, relapse prevention techniques, and educates them about addiction and mental health, fostering healthier coping mechanisms.

Upon completion of a primary inpatient or intensive outpatient treatment program, individuals benefit greatly from our Outpatient/ Aftercare Program. This essential component of the rehabilitation process provides crucial support as individuals transition back into their regular daily lives. Parkdale Center ensures clients receive necessary documentation of their sobriety and compliance for their records, making their return to the workplace smoother.

Learn more about Parkdale’s Outpatient/ Aftercare Program.

At Parkdale Center, we understand the significance of maintaining employment and helping our clients successfully reintegrate into the workplace after treatment. We work closely with you to create a comprehensive return-to-work contract with your current employer or a potential new one. This process includes providing documentation of your sobriety and compliance, empowering you to restore your career with confidence.

At Parkdale Center, we are committed to helping high-stress professionals overcome mental health and addiction challenges, guiding them towards a brighter and healthier future. Contact us today to take the first step towards lasting recovery.

Learn more about Parkdale’s Career Restoration Program.

Contact Us

Contact Parkdale Center for Drug Rehab Services for Nurses

Parkdale Center understands the unique needs of nurses struggling with substance abuse. With our specialized care, we can help you forge a path to long-term sobriety that takes into account the demands and stressors of your job. Contact our team today to learn how our drug rehab for nurses can help you or a loved one.

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