Breaking Free from Codependency in Addiction Recovery

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When people are in recovery from an addiction, they will face many obstacles. In addition to the triggers and temptations found in their home environment, there are other factors that may not be readily seen but are just as dangerous to one’s recovery. Codependency in addiction recovery can be a nightmare to experience. In fact, codependency in addiction recovery can lead people back into active substance use.
In this blog, we will discuss codependency in addiction recovery and its impacts on one’s sobriety. If you are dealing with the two-headed monster of codependency and addiction recovery, you need the specialized help that is found at Parkdale Center, a drug rehab in Indiana. Our specialized programming and expert care is evidence-based and customized to meet your specific needs.

Get the help you need today and call Parkdale Center.

What Is Codependency?

In a discussion about codependency in addiction recovery, you first need to have a solid understanding of codependency itself. Codependency is an emotional and behavioral condition where people are unable to create and sustain a healthy relationship. People who are codependent are in relationships that are one-sided, and that relationship is both emotionally destructive and abusive. 

In a codependent relationship, one person is the “giver” who bends over backwards to fulfill the needs of the other while sacrificing their own needs. The other person in the relationship (known as the “taker”) does not care about the needs of the giver and constantly oversteps boundaries in getting what they want. The taker will not be an equal partner in the relationship and will take advantage of the giver to the point where they become a physical and psychological mess.

The term codependency was first seen in the substance abuse space, and it was used to describe the relationship of those who are controlled by another person’s addiction. Over time, the scope of codependency has widened to include any form of enabling relationship, which can include those with mental illness and those who come from dysfunctional families. 

Signs of Codependency in Addiction Recovery

As stated in the previous section, codependency and addiction recovery go hand in hand. Whether it is during one’s active addiction or in the recovery phase, there are telltale signs that codependency is undermining the family. 

First and foremost, addiction in of itself is a selfish disease. Those who are addicted place their need to use substances before the needs of the family. In many cases, some family members drop everything in order to protect and comfort the addict. This can alienate other family members, which can cause deep resentment. In some cases, some members of the family turn to substances as a means to cope.

Secondly, codependent people take on the behaviors of the addict. When they take on these destructive behaviors, they feel connected to the addict and will do anything to keep that relationship strong, which can include alienating other family members. Thirdly, codependents aim to solve or fix the addict’s problems but not allow the addict to face the consequences of their actions. They accomplish this through enabling behaviors such as paying their rent or mortgage, or covering up their bad behavior. 

Additionally, people who are codependent feel powerless even if they are in total control of the situation. Codependents blame others for the situation the codependent or the addict is in, and they feel a sense of victimization even though in reality they are victimizing themselves. They may also blame others for how miserable they feel.

Breaking the Cycle of Codependency in Addiction Recovery

Codependency weaves a tangled web that can ensnare the whole family, and its aftermath can ruin families for a lifetime. How can codependent recovery occur? The most important step in breaking the cycle of codependency in addiction recovery is to establish strong boundaries. The codependent person needs to understand their needs are met first, and that the recovering addict can turn to them for support but also are solely responsible for putting in the hard work to make their recovery a reality.

Recovered codependents not only seek treatment, they join mutual self-help groups such as Co-Dependents Anonymous to help them identify and break the harmful behavior patterns. It is also important for the codependent person to take a break from the “taker” and hang out with friends and other supportive people. Hanging out with these people can bring clarity and focus.

Most importantly, those who are codependent need to stop negative thinking. People recovering from codependency in addiction recovery don’t need to feel they deserve to be treated badly. People coming from codependent relationships and addiction issues must set higher standards and have higher expectations.

Break Free From Codependency and Addiction With Help From Parkdale Center

If you are struggling with codependency and addiction, finding professional help is top priority. The Parkdale Center is a top-tier drug and alcohol rehab for professionals. We offer evidence-based Indiana addiction treatment programs specifically designed for the unique needs of the business professional. Our holistic treatment approach will restore you in mind, body, and spirit. It’s time to take back control of your life; call Parkdale Center toll-free today.

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