Finding your way around the workplace in recovery can be a daunting task. While the people and the place of employment may stay the same, you are learning to live a new life–and that isn’t easy. With the stresses of your job as well as the potential triggers you may encounter, your recovery could be in a vulnerable state if you aren’t careful.
In this article, you will learn how to navigate the workplace in recovery. You will learn simple yet effective tips to deal with workplace stresses while keeping your recovery front and center.
If you are a working professional needing help with a substance abuse problem, finding a facility that is designed for your specific needs is crucial. Parkdale Center is an Indiana drug rehab that offers programs and services specifically designed for the working professional. Our addiction treatment programs are evidence-based, customized to your needs, and allow you to heal and grow.
Don’t wait another day; call Parkdale Center and begin your recovery journey right now.
Returning To Work after Addiction Treatment: The Same Job Or Something New?
Navigating the workplace in sobriety starts off with the first and most crucial step: do you return to your old job, or do you pursue something new? There are obvious advantages to returning to your old job after drug treatment. First, you are familiar with the employer and your position and don’t need any kind of orientation or training. Secondly, you know your co-workers and can quickly pick up your work and personal friendships.
However, what if the old workplace and people you work with were the source of your stress? What if the work and social environment led you down the path of substance abuse? What if your workplace is not supportive of your decision to get sober?
If those concerns weigh heavy on your mind, it may be wise to look for work elsewhere. You can retool your resume and brush up on your interviewing skills to prepare yourself for another job.
If you find a new employer, it will be of great help if your employer does the following:
- Understands the stigma surrounding addiction and allows their workplace to be open to engaging in discussions about addiction and recovery.
- Holds social events and other functions that have alcohol-free alternatives.
- Views the resiliency and life skills acquired in recovery as a valuable work skill.
Tips On Navigating The Workplace In Recovery
If you are ready to reenter the workplace after drug treatment, there is no doubt you will feel a strong sense of apprehension and anxiety. While understandable, there are things you can do to make that transition less stressful:
- Be sure to practice excellent self-care. Get at least seven hours of restful sleep each night, eat a balanced diet, hydrate, and get regular exercise.
- In addition to self-care, be sure to include mindful practices such as mindful meditation, mindful walking, yoga, and breathwork to your daily routine.
- Be sure to get enough support through 12-step meetings and work with a sponsor if you don’t already have one. Also build your support and social networks with family, friends, counselors, and others who are fully supportive of your sobriety.
- Leave your work stresses and issues at work. Once you are done with your work day, engage in exercise, meditation, or a fun hobby to destress.
- Learn how to set boundaries and learn to say no. Set realistic expectations for yourself and know what you can and can’t do.
Learn To Navigate Your Recovery WIth Help From Parkdale Center
The art of navigating the workplace while in recovery can be a challenge, but it isn’t impossible. The Parkdale Center is a top-tier drug and alcohol rehab for professionals. Our evidence-based outpatient programs are designed to give you the tools you need to step back into the workforce and life with confidence. Call Parkdale Center today and take back control of your life.