Balancing Your Professional Life with Sobriety

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Being a working professional requires a strong sense of balance. You must be able to handle and thrive the challenges of the workplace while attending to your daily needs. If you are newly recovering from addiction, balancing your professional life with sobriety and your personal life can be a major task. While difficult, you can juggle your recovery and work career and thrive in both areas.

If you are a working professional and need help with substance abuse, The Parkdale Center can help you. Our evidence-based addiction treatment in Indiana is designed for the specific needs of professionals from all walks of life. Our Indiana outpatient drug treatment program will provide you with the focus and motivation needed to restore your mind, body, and spirit. Call us today and start your recovery journey.

The Challenges of Balancing Your Professional Life With Sobriety

Being newly recovered and entering the workforce can be very intimidating. If you are going back to your old job, you may have reservations on how you will handle the pressures of your job, the questions from your colleagues, and even the stigma some may have regarding your past substance use. If you are looking for a new job, you worry about the interviewing process and if it is appropriate to talk in-depth about your addiction and recovery.

Beyond that, being new in recovery requires a total overhaul of your daily life. You obviously need to focus on working your program of recovery, but you also need to invest your energy into being your best in the workplace. On top of that, you also need to uphold your family commitments as well as commitments to your overall physical and mental health. Trying to find balance in all phases of your life can be daunting.

Balancing your professional life with sobriety and your personal life is indeed a challenge, but that balance definitely can be achieved. In the next section, you will learn five important tips that will help you achieve balance in your work, personal, and sober life. 

5 Tips In Balancing Your Professional Life With Sobriety

Whether you are returning your work or starting a new venture, it is important to have the right mindset that is both realistic and recovery-based. To better help you navigate the roadblocks of the workplace while keeping your recovery front and center, use the following tips:

Avoid Overachieving

When you re-enter the workforce, it is normal to jump in enthusiastically with both feet. You may feel the need to overachieve to make up for past wrongs and to show your employer that you are an asset. Instead of plowing straight ahead, take a step back and only take on what you can handle. It takes time to get acclimated to a new job, and through your hard work and dedication, you can show your employer that being a person in recovery makes you trustworthy, eager to learn, and reliable

Get To Work Early

Stress is the biggest trigger and indicator of relapse. To reduce the stress of the workplace, get to work early and settle in. Grab a coffee, eat a light breakfast, and make time for yourself. Having quality alone time before your workday allows you to harness the positive energy you need to produce quality work and decrease stress.

Make Time For Recovery

During the hustle and bustle of your workday, make recovery time a priority. Take the time to check in with your sponsor or mentor (if you work with one) and regularly attend your 12-step meetings. You also need to engage in recovery-centered activities that bring you contentment, such as music, exercise, or art. You also need to continue nurturing and building your support network of family and friends that act as your safety net when you need motivation.

Time Management

As already stated, stress has the potential to ruin recovery. An excellent way to defuse stress is to learn proper time management. Take time to research time management techniques and learn how to make the most of every minute of the day. Good time management also includes carving out days when you can unwind, unplug, and have “me” time.

Take Care of Yourself

In order to balance everything in your life, you need to take care of yourself. Be sure to implement a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and get restful sleep every night. You also need to care for your mental and spiritual self through meditation, journaling, and attending religious services. Proper self-care goes a long way in helping you will gain a sense of balance and gratitude in your life.

Call Parkdale Center And Find Balance In Your Life

Addiction recovery does not have to be filled with anxiety and stress. Parkdale Center is a drug rehab in Indiana that features proven therapy and treatment programs specifically designed for the professional. We offer multiple levels of evidence-based outpatient care, compassionate support, and supplementary programs that help you confidently rejoin the workforce. Call us today and find peace and balance. 

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